In the world of Harley Quinn, super villains are tantamount to internet superstars, so it’s only fitting that their antics become fodder for the Gotham porn industry. So big that people want to watch it with nude actors. In the real world, it’s a high honor to have your movie parodied by the adult film community. Let’s dust off the, well, dust and do Five Thoughts on this bad girl. The tag team champs, King Shark, and Clayface are in jail and getting their asses kicked, and a host of new faces, notable cameos, and outrageous happens put Harley Quinn back on track to being a must-watch weekly animated pastime. Jim Gordon is just as sad as ever but has renewed ambition to become mayor of the “open sewer of a city,” Gotham. The show kicked off in a standard raucous Harley Quinn manner and reintroduced the significant players from previous seasons. Lucky for us, they have returned for more ridiculous antics. No matter, Harley Quinn Season Three has finally arrived! I assume the duo of Harley and Ivy needed time to consummate their oh-so-sweet relationship.
Where have you been, Hyenas? I’ve been waiting here for *checks watch* two years and 31 days.