Set in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, where summers last decades and winters a lifetime, Game of Thrones showcases the violent dynastic struggles between noble families for control of the Iron Thron of Westeros. The third full season of the television series that follows the multiple stories from the A Song of Ice and Fire books. Plot: On the mythical continent of Westeros, several powerful families fight for control of the Seven Kingdoms. When conflict breaks out in the realms of men, an ancient enemy rises once more to threaten everyone. Meanwhile, the last heirs of a newly usurped dynasty plan to reclaim their homeland across the Narrow Sea.ĭownload Game of Thrones FULL Season 2 Torrent Synopsis: In a land where summers can last several years and winters a lifetime, seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros, divided after a war. In a scenario reminiscent of medieval Europe, kings, queens, knights and renegades use all possible means in a political game to dispute the Iron Throne, the symbol of absolute power.
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